Sampo Utdelning 2021 - Crockers Limited


Result of Sampo's offering of Nordea shares Placera - Avanza

Publicerad: 2020-11-10 (GlobeNewswire) Sampo suunnittelee laskevansa omistustaan Nordeassa strategiansa mukaisesti. Publicerad: 2020-11-10 (GlobeNewswire) Sampo plans to reduce ownership in Nordea in line with its strategy. Publicerad: 2020-11-10 (GlobeNewswire) Sampo impairs the book value of its Nordea shares to EUR 7.50 The Board of Directors of Sampo plc has today, in connection with the approval of the Financial Statement Release for 2020, decided to impair the book value of the Nordea shares from EUR 8.90 per share to EUR 7.50 per share at the end of December 2020. Sampo plc’s Board of Directors has today, as planned and previously announced on 13 June 2019, resolved to distribute an extra dividend in the form of Nordea Bank Abp shares. Each shareholder will receive 1 Nordea share for each 10 Sampo shares. Fractional entitlements to Nordea shares Sampo sold 162 million Nordea shares in an accelerated bookbuild offering to institutional investors.

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Nordea Bank Abp, 10,74 % Chesapeake Financial Shares, 28 är det nog handlargolvet på New York Stock Exchange som dyker upp i medvetandet. Sampo, 40,29, 37,51, -6,9 %, 12,5 %, -0,9 %. Fortum OYJ, 19,52, 21,97, 12,6 NORDEA BANK AB, 80,75, 83,59, 3,5 %, 12,5 %, 0,4 %. SWEDBANK AB - A SHARES, 206,90, 161,84, -21,8 %, 12,5 %, -2,7 %. Telia, 42,09, 36,44, -13,4 %, 12,5  Where an Underlying Asset is a share, depository receipt or bond: Underlying Underlying Asset's designation.

Sampo owns just under a fifth of Nordea's shares, making it the bank's largest single owner. Solidium, on the other hand, is a large owner of Sampo with an 8.0 per cent share. There are other connections.

Solidium Oy:s halvårsöversikt 1.7–31.12.2019: GlobeNewswire

Largest registered shareholders of Nordea as of end of March 2021. Sampo Plc. Number of shares, million, 642.9. Percent of Nordea, 15.9. BlackRock.

Sampo nordea shares

Hem Capitalisti Aktier, Fonder och Investeringar

Publicerad: 2020-11-10 (GlobeNewswire) Sampo suunnittelee laskevansa omistustaan Nordeassa strategiansa mukaisesti. Publicerad: 2020-11-10 (GlobeNewswire) Sampo plans to reduce ownership in Nordea in line with its strategy. Publicerad: 2020-11-10 (GlobeNewswire) Sampo impairs the book value of its Nordea shares to EUR 7.50 The Board of Directors of Sampo plc has today, in connection with the approval of the Financial Statement Release for 2020, decided to impair the book value of the Nordea shares from EUR 8.90 per share to EUR 7.50 per share at the end of December 2020. Sampo plc’s Board of Directors has today, as planned and previously announced on 13 June 2019, resolved to distribute an extra dividend in the form of Nordea Bank Abp shares. Each shareholder will receive 1 Nordea share for each 10 Sampo shares. Fractional entitlements to Nordea shares Sampo sold 162 million Nordea shares in an accelerated bookbuild offering to institutional investors.

After the distribution, Sampo would hold approximately 19,9 per cent of Nordea. As a shareholder, do I have to do something in order to receive the extra dividend? Sampo började redan i november sälja ut sitt innehav, då de gick från 19,9 till 15,9 procent av aktierna.
Rito york

Sampo nordea shares

Fortum OYJ, 19,52, 21,97, 12,6 NORDEA BANK AB, 80,75, 83,59, 3,5 %, 12,5 %, 0,4 %.

The Nordea share is listed on the NASDAQ Nordic Exchange in Helsinki, Stockholm, and Copenhagen. Currently (11 November 2020) Sampo plc holds 642,924,782 Nordea shares corresponding to a holding of 15.9 per cent. Nordea has been accounted as an associated company in Sampo Group’s accounts since 31 December 2009. Elliott vill att Sampo säljer hela sitt innehav i Nordea.
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A.P. Möller Maersk Goldman Sachs China Fund (A-shares). 165.

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Nordea In - Fox On Green

2 558 Sampo oyj, 2018-05-29, EMTN, FRN. 76. A.P. Möller Maersk Goldman Sachs China Fund (A-shares). 165. 0.0% Förändringar Bolag Rekommendation Riktkurs Sampo Köp EUR (21.00) 11 October 2010 Swedbank LC&I Regeringsgatan Stockholm No of shares Part of Nordea. Pumpar Morgonrådet Aktieanalys - 29 april 2010 Börsnoteringar  Idag köptes Sampo, UPM, Swedbank och Kinnevik.