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LAG - Translation in English -

In computer networking, the term link aggregation refers to various methods of combining (aggregating) multiple network connections in parallel in order to increase throughput beyond what a single connection could sustain, and to provide redundancy in case one of the links should fail. 2007-10-19 · A device used to intentionally slow or completely stop data flow from the modem to the computer/gaming console for a short period of time. In online games, using a lag switch will allow you to become momentarily invincible. Your opponents are very easy to kill if you use a lag switch.

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1. the time elapsing between application of a stimulus and the resulting reaction. 2. the early period after inoculation of bacteria into a culture medium, in which the growth or cell division is slow.

En viktig skillnad är dock att medan  Connect First: 52 Simple Ways to Ignite Success, Meaning, and Joy at Work Sveriges Rikes Lag 2020 (klotband): När du köper Sveriges Rikes Lag 2020 får  Tack vare penningtvätten kan kriminella dra fördel av sina brott och använda pengarna i sitt dagliga liv utan att väcka misstankar. Definition av finansiering av  Den svenska och engelska texten framgår av bilaga till denna lag. The term "immovable property" shall have the meaning which it has under  Kitta aaj gabru da kath lag dae.

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Meaning of lag with illustrations and photos. Pronunciation of lag and its etymology. Related words - lag synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms. English to Afrikaans Dictionary (Free).

Meaning lag

What does "lag och rätt" mean in Swedish? - WordHippo

When traffic is heavier than network capacity, the network requires that a program wait before sending or receiving data. A phenomenon in video games where the game slows down. Many gamers do not have the mental capabilities to deal with said lag, causing them to go into mentally and physically destructive meltdowns. 2021-03-14 "Lag bolt" is a compound word, the meaning of which you know. Lag bolts are not bolts (they don't through unthreaded holes) and they aren't "lag" in any of the standard meanings of lag.

Its etymology seems uncertain, but may be related to a Swedish word. In compound words the individual parts may be recognisable (like bolt) or not.
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Meaning lag

The Minister's Charge. Ironically, the only main economic indicator that has continued to lag is unemployment. old lag meaning, definition, what is old lag: someone who has been in prison many time: Learn more.

If the relationship between task A and B was Finish to Start (FS), then the 'lead' can be illustrated as: Task B started prior to Task A with a 'lead.' Conclusion. For a project manager, the concepts of float, lead and lag make a lot of meaning and "Lag bolt" is a compound word, the meaning of which you know. Lag bolts are not bolts (they don't through unthreaded holes) and they aren't "lag" in any of the standard meanings of lag.
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More meanings for lag. layer noun  English to Hindi Meaning :: lag. Lag : पीछे रह जाना. Pronunciation: (2 ) there was a time lag between the commission of the crime and its reporting to  Tamil Dictionary definitions for Lag. Lag : பிந்துதல்,பின் தங்கு.

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Lag is a slang term for a noticeable decrease in application speed, due to extreme network congestion or insufficient processing power.