Measuring Gene Expression in Bombarded Barley Aleurone


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AFP1, KEG and RPN10 mediate its proteasome-dependent degradation. Its stability or degradation plays a central role in abscisic acid response. Sumoylated at Lys-391 by SIZ1. Sumoylation protects ABI5 from proteasome degradation, attenuating ABA signaling and sensitivity to ABA. 1 Publication ABA-insensitive mutants such as abi4 and abi5 and ABA-deficient mutants were shown to be less sensitive to the inhibitory effects of high nitrate medium on lateral root formation (Signora et al., 2001). Further studies are needed to determine the physiological function of the ABA pathway in mediating nitrogen availability and disrupted C/N stress.

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abi5–4 suppressed ABA hypersensitivity caused by siz1 (siz1–2 abi5–4), demonstrating an epistatic genetic inter-action between SIZ1 and ABI5. A K391R substitution in ABI5 2019-12-02 · Since XIW1 affects ABI5 protein abundance, and both XIW1 and ABI5 are located in the nucleus in the presence of ABA, we wondered whether there is a direct interaction between XIW1 and ABI5. Yeast two-hybrid assays showed that XIW1 directly interacts with ABI5 through its WD40 domains ( Figure 7 A ). negative regulator of ABA signaling that promotes ABI5 degradation during seed germination.

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Studies have identified the key components of ABA signaling in Arabidopsis ( Arabidopsis thaliana ), some of which regulate ABA responses by the transcriptional regulation of downstream genes. Here, we report the functional identification of rice ( Oryza sativa ) ABI5-Like1 (ABL1 ABA INSENSITIVE 5 (ABI5) is a basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor which acts in the abscisic acid (ABA) network and is activated in response to abiotic stresses. However, the precise role of barley (Hordeum vulgare) ABI5 in ABA signaling and its function under stress remains elusive. Here, we show that HvABI5 is involved in ABA-dependent regulation of barley response to drought Like ABI5, ABI five binding protein (AFP) mRNA and protein levels are induced by ABA during seed germination. Two different afp mutant alleles (afp-1 and  Expression of ABA signalling genes and ABI5 protein levels in imbibed. Sorghum bicolor caryopses with contrasting dormancy and at different developmental  2 Feb 2021 ABA negatively regulates seed germination, post-germination growth and floral of AtMPK3 through ABI5, a master regulator of ABA signaling. The Arabidopsis abscisic acid (ABA)-insensitive abi5 mutants have pleiotropic gene expression in wild-type and abi5-1 plants indicates that ABI5 regulates a  We used cDNA microarrays to analyze ABA regulated gene expression and the role of ABI5 in seedlings.

The Arabidopsis abscisic acid (ABA)-insensitive abi5 mutants have pleiotropic defects in ABA response, including decreased sensitivity to ABA inhibition of germination and altered expression of some ABA-regulated genes. ABI5 functions upstream of miR156 to promote juvenile development by affecting the expression of genes in the miR156-SPL pathway. Therefore, our study uncovers a new role of ABI5 in vegetative development in plants, and implies a role of ABA signaling in vegetative development in Arabidopsis. Our genetic data show that BBX21 may act upstream of several ABA INSENSITIVE (ABI) genes and ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 (HY5) in ABA control of seed germination. Previous studies showed that HY5 acts as a direct activator of ABI5 expression, and that BBX21 interacts with HY5. The constitutive expression of ABI5 prevented the growth arrest of ppc2 under low CO2 conditions. These findings demonstrate that PPC2 plays an important role in the acclimation of Arabidopsis plants to low CO2 availability by linking photorespiratory metabolism to primary metabolism, and that this is mediated, at least in part, through ABA and The transcription factor ABI5 is an important regulator in the ABA signaling pathway. ABI5 confers enhanced responses to exogenous ABA during seed germination: the abi5 mutant shows obvious ABA-insensitive phenotypes (Piskurewicz et al., 2008), whereas ABI5-overexpressing lines are ABA sensitive (Piskurewicz et al., 2008; Bu et al., 2009).
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Abi5 aba

Whether ABI3 is also a direct regulator of ABI5 awaits further investigation. Together, the ABI5 promoter may represent a converging point on which the transcriptional regulators of light and ABA signaling pathways integrate the signals of both pathways by fine-tuning ABI5 expression. The Arabidopsis abscisic acid (ABA)–insensitive abi5 mutants have pleiotropic defects in ABA response, including decreased sensitivity to ABA inhibition of germination and altered expression of some ABA-regulated genes.

ABI5 Encodes a Basic Leucine Zipper Transcription Factor Ruth R. Finkelstein 1 and Tim J. Lynch Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of California–Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106 The Arabidopsis abscisic acid (ABA)–insensitive abi5 mutants have pleiotropic defects in ABA response, including de- of ABI5 protein, whereas afp1 mutants were hypersensitive to ABA and had increased ABI5 accumulation (Lopez-Molina et al. 2003). Most of these measurements compared seedlings that had already germinated with seeds whose germination was inhibited, such that they did not distin-guish between reduced ABI5 levels as a cause or efect of germination. These results indicate that ABI5 acts downstream of ABI3 to reactivate late embryogenesis programmes and to arrest growth of germinating embryos.
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A Seed Coat Bedding Assay to Genetically Explore In Vitro

Moreover, ABI5 also acts as an ABA and other phytohormone signaling integrator. Components of auxin, cytokinin, gibberellic acid, jasmonate and brassinosteroid signaling and metabolism pathways were shown to take part in ABI5 regulation and/or to be regulated by ABI5. Monocot orthologs of AtABI5 have been identified. Ubiquitinated.

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ABI5/ABA regulated  9 Aug 2019 By contrast, the ABA-independent pathway induces expression of a transcription factor gene, DREB2. DREB2 belongs to the DRE BINDING  mutantes con hipersensibilidad al ABA. En plántulas de la línea mutante y sobreexpresora se analizó el transcrito de los factores de transcripción ABI3 y ABI5,  Post-translational modifications (PTMs) such as phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and sumoylation play significant roles in regulating abscisic acid (ABA)  Using transient gene expression in rice protoplasts, we provide evidence for the functional interactions of ABI5 with ABA signaling effectors VP1 (viviparous 1)  16 Dec 2016 ABA Insensitive 5 (ABI5) is a basic leucine zipper transcription factor that plays a key role in the regulation of seed germination and early  11 Dec 2013 By contrast, LCR expression is depressed by ABA. Expressions of ABA- and stress-responsive genes, ABI3, ABI4, ABI5, ABF3, and ABF4 are  22 Jul 2009 Like ABI5, ABI3 is also required for the ABA-dependent postgermination growth arrest [15]. However, ABI3 acts upstream of ABI5 and is essential  27 Nov 2012 insensitive to ABA in seed germination, in addition to having an earlier flowering phenotype. Direct binding of ABI5 to the ABRE/G-box promoter  El acaricida insecticida Mamboretá ABA es de origen natural y actúa por contacto directo e ingestión y es de movimiento translaminar.