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London skyline with Big Ben and environs, including the London Eye, Portcullis House, Parliament Square, and St Margaret's Church Completed in 1859, the tower is designed in Pugin's celebrated Gothic Revival style, and is 316 feet (96.3 m) high. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For other people named Jack London, see Jack London (disambiguation). John Griffith London (born John Griffith Chaney; January 12, 1876 – November 22, 1916) was an American novelist, journalist, and social activist. London is the capital of the United Kingdom and England. London is the city region with the highest population in the United Kingdom. With it being located along River Thames, London has been a central city since it was founded by the Romans two millennia ago under the name Londinium. In 2008, the City of London accounted for 4% of UK GDP. London is the world's greatest foreign exchange market, with much of the trade conducted in the City of London.
If you want to travel to London you can go there by car and ferry, car and “Euro Star” or by plane. London (eng. izgovor /ˈlʌndən/) glavni je grad Engleske i Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva.Kao važno naselja tokom gotovo 2000 godina, historija Londona započinje osnivanjem od strane Rimljana u doba cara Klaudija oko 43 godine nove ere kada dobiva ime Londinium.. Jezgra Londona, drevni City zvan "square mile", ostao je unutar svojih srednjevjekovnih granica.
It is spoken mainly by young, working-class people in multicultural parts of London, with variants having emerged in diverse neighbourhoods of other cities, such as Birmingham and Manchester. The London Eye, or the Millennium Wheel, is a cantilevered observation wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London. It is Europe's tallest cantilevered observation wheel, and is the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom with over 3 million visitors annually.
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Essay on corruption in hindi wikipedia -
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The London Eye, or the Millennium Wheel, is a cantilevered observation wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London. It is Europe's tallest cantilevered observation wheel, and is the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom with over 3 million visitors annually. London skyline with Big Ben and environs, including the London Eye, Portcullis House, Parliament Square, and St Margaret's Church Completed in 1859, the tower is designed in Pugin's celebrated Gothic Revival style, and is 316 feet (96.3 m) high.
Marka lagudaro dadka hareeraha London kunool waxa ay tirado noqonayasaa ilaa 12,599,561 oo qof. In London, however, they make up no more than 45% of the total. Cleese, then, was right – if he was talking about ethnicity.
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[4] London er hovedstaden i Storbritannia og England.
It is Europe's tallest cantilevered observation wheel, and is the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom with over 3 million visitors annually.
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Waxa ay kutaalaa koofurta Ingiriiska.Waxaa kunool dad gaadhaya ilaa 7.5 milyan oo qof. Marka lagudaro dadka hareeraha London kunool waxa ay tirado noqonayasaa ilaa 12,599,561 oo qof. In London, however, they make up no more than 45% of the total. Cleese, then, was right – if he was talking about ethnicity. Equally, those of English national identity are also a majority in England, but not in London.