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Students majoring in non-science disciplines often have little exposure to computational thinking and working with computer code. At the same time, digital methods of analysis exert growing influence on the practice of many disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. The Wheaton College Digital History Project seeks to bridge this gap using tools from the […] The digital age provides major possibilities for disseminating your oral history project. You will be able to have your interviews represented in some sort of cool production or publication online, accessible to the world, with just a laptop computer and a cup of coffee. Se hela listan på The Bethlehem Digital History Project provides online access to digitized primary source materials, transcriptions, translations and contextual information relating to the early history of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1741 – 1844. Korean War Digital History Project.

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2486 likes · 23 talking about this. The premier online portal for oral histories of the Vietnam War, lesson plans, managing your digital history project from start to finish. Sample Projects. Reno Historical (launched 2014; ongoing). The Reno Historical smart phone app and  26 Oct 2020 Seefeldt and Thomas make the distinction between three genres of digital history: 1 . digitisation projects; such as the National Library of  Digital History Projects.

For this project, I will be working with my partner, Constance, to create, design, and publish a small website. 2018-02-02 · Hey! In class on Thursday, we discussed several different digital history projects. Once we started talking about all of the projects, I immediately thought about the final project.

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Housing Lender or Atlantic Capital Bank, N. Bitcoin is an open-source peer-to-peer digital currency project. ITIN only and no credit history are accepted. Studentlitteratur är Sveriges ledande utbildningsförlag. Med läromedel, kurslitteratur, facklitteratur, utbildningar och digitala informationstjänster i utbudet, finns  Kristine Holm Marcher PR Project Manager Nordic Entertainment Group, An exhibition spot in Top Packaging Summit 2020 Live & Digital walk-through nature, travel, history and sports documentaries, contract-free and anywhere you like.

Digital history project

Wiregrass Region Digital History Project - WRDHP - Om Facebook

Unlike documents in the Collections section, documents here are offered with historical context or interpretation. The digital history project review section of The Public Historian was established to report on and evaluate current digital history projects, including digital exhibits, online archives, digital scholarship, online teaching resources, and apps, with the goal of recognizing excellence in this important new format for scholarship and public engagement and creating critical dialogue among public historians about the uses of technology in our work. For four years now, I’ve rounded up 10 interesting digital history projects, born in the 12 months previous, for your browsing fun. (Here are my 2015 picks: Part 1. Part 2. Digital History Resources Digital technologies have expanded the reach of scholarship in the way scholars communicate their research to an audience and present findings, as well as influencing the questions they ask in planning a research project.

These centers solicit and grant funding for digital history projects and help to promote the use of digital history technologies in the classroom. These centers are the vehicles by which new students learn about the techniques of digital history. The Queer Cola digital history project is a community-curated digital archive and oral history project currently under development. This collection chronicles the experiences of LGBTQ+ communities in the greater Columbia area.
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Digital history project

More filtering options. DigitalHistory@Lund is a research platform that aims at promoting digital history at Lund University and beyond.

This has  The River Street Digital History Project is centered on the River Street Neighborhood, which was the historical home for most of the non-white population of. By Rebecca Nedostup. In our fall feature on the digital history projects of History faculty, here we highlight Professor Rebecca Nedostup, who is leading the  Platform for organizations working in digital history. Do you want to share your digital history projects and events?
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Interview with Susan Hockey, Emeritus Professor of Library

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On the one hand, it aims to demonstrate to the wider historical discipline how digital history is already making arguments in … Students majoring in non-science disciplines often have little exposure to computational thinking and working with computer code.