The Palgrave International Handbook of Alternative Education
Retrieved April 15, 2008, from Research Library Core database. Nel Noddings: The Ethics of Care Noddings Thoughts on Care Conclusion In Conclusion: Nel Noddings was evolutionary in caring for our students. We need to accomplish care in order to create more caring people in our world. Her philosophy of morals helps us to learn and teach in a Nel Noddings (1929-) American feminist philosopher and educator Nel Noddings was one of the first philosophers to advance what might be called a feminist ethics.
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Another philosopher, Nel Noddings, contributes her own point of view to the ethics of care theory. She points out that experience in the private sphere - the world of home and family - is filled re-conceptualization both of care ethics and the existing educational paradigm. Key terms Nel Noddings, pusong mamon, care ethics, justice, academic dishonesty Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 17.3 (2013): 1–19. -- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free too “care” in the virtue sense—that is, they profess to care and work hard at their teaching—there are many who do not adopt the relational sense of caring. They “care” in the sense that they conscientiously pursue certain goals for their students, and they often work hard at coercing students to achieve those goals. 諾丁斯從存在主義中看出人與他人(世界)是處在一「關係」的情境中,她也從母職角色中,認為「關懷」是一種自然發生的情感關係,這種類似現象學或從經驗中的體察,確有別於啟蒙以降以康德(I.
The early work of Nel Noddings, Sara Nel Noddings is said to argue that her own ethic of caring systematically builds on the view of Gilligan which has influenced mainly feminists.
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Teaching themes of care. Phi Delta Kappan, 76 (9), 675. Retrieved April … Care ethicists often contrast this sympathetic mode of deliberation with a principle-based mode. For example, Nel Noddings says ‘[i]t is not just that highly mathematicized schemes are inevitably artificial but they tend to fix our attention on their own gamelike quality.
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Caring is suggested both as a moral orientation to teaching and as an aim of moral education. After a brief discussion of ethics of caring, four com-ponents of a model for moral education are described: modeling, dialogue, Nel Noddings’s Care Ethics Care ethics, long identified with feminism, arose out of criticisms of traditional psychological theories of moral development. From these traditional perspectives, women have been seen as morally inferior.
Noddings, Nel Caring : a feminine approach to ethics & moral education. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, cop. 1984. Find in the library.
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Care Ethics and “Caring” Organizations Nel Noddings Over the past three decades, the relation between ethics of care and ethics of justice has been -- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free too Michael Slote's The Ethics of Care and Empathy is an important contribution to the burgeoning literature on the ethics of care.
Nel Noddings is one of the premier philosophers of the ethics of care.
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“An ethic of care—a needs- and response-based ethic—challenges many premises of traditional ethics in moral education.” (Noddings 2005) In The Challenge to Care in Schools, Nel Noddings outlines how educators can use the concept of caring to develop an alternative approach to education that focuses more intently on the individual applicable. Nel Noddings proposes “an ethic of caring” which offers a feminist approach to ethics based on caring.
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Approach to Ethics & Moral Education. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. Rostgaard, Tine grundläggande värderingar eller annorlunda formulerat: vilken etik och moral man har.