Clinical Assessment of Disturbed Central Pain - DiVA
Stressful life events are more likely to trigger depression among individuals exposed to childhood adversity. However, the mechanisms underlying this stress sensitization remain largely unknown. Any such mechanism must be altered by childhood adversity and interact with recent stressful life events, magnifying their association with depression. There are notable shortcomings in several important topics: measurement and evaluation of chronic stress and depression; exploration of potentially different processes of stress and depression associated with first-onset versus recurrent episodes; possible gender differences in exposure and reactivity to stressors; testing kindling/sensitization processes; longitudinal tests of diathesis 2019 — Added brief but important coverage of stress-induced visceral sensitization. 2019 — Added the term “amplified pain,” discussed and briefly reviewed the notorious Invisibilia episode about it, and added an explanation that exposure therapy can be conservative or aggressive. David Weissman updated the license of Neural Mechanisms of Stress Sensitization to CC-By Attribution 4.0 International.
That is, we can become sensitized, or acutely sensitive, to stress. Stress sensitization processes may be used to explain the clinical observation that individuals who have experienced prior traumatic events tend to be more sensitive to subsequent trauma (Post & Weiss, 1998), consistent with emerging evidence (e.g., Shao 2019-12-18 · Stress sensitization is a specific example of diathesis-stress wherein early adversity represents a general diathesis, and later or prolonged exposure to stress is required to trigger the stress response system, sensitizing individuals to later stress, and leading to early onset and severe course of clinical disorders including bipolar disorder (Post et al., 2001). Research involving depressed populations has supported early adversity sensitization (Hammen et al., 2000). However, a few studies have investigated the In contrast to stress sensitization, inhibited children with early trauma plus recent stressors did not show especially high mid-childhood internalizing difficulties. Conclusions: Early life trauma Sensitization is a non-associative learning process in which repeated administration of a stimulus results in the progressive amplification of a response. Sensitization often is characterized by an enhancement of response to a whole class of stimuli in addition to the one that is repeated.
For example, repetition of a painful stimulus may make one more responsive to a loud noise. 2014-01-02 · Sensitization is the loss of alloy integrity.
We may respond to stress as we do an allergy. That is, we can become sensitized, or acutely sensitive, to stress. in the stress–recurrence relationship has received less support.
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av CJ Black · 2020 · Citerat av 11 — Moreover, the performance of the visceral sensitivity index (VSI) for 8, and 14) were concerned with worry, fear, and stress (“I often fear that I ökad stress i vardagliga aktiviteter vilket påverkar utförandet och livet i stort. Bedömning av Proprioceptive sensitivity in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome patients. Det har i vissa studier hos hast pavisats rasskillnader gallande stress- och Stress-induced enhancement of fear conditioning and sensitization facilitates av A Remitz — de kan någon gång aktiveras på nytt i stress- situationer. turbed and leads to eczema and possibly also to sensitization and other atopic symptoms like rhinitis.
2014-01-02 · Sensitization is the loss of alloy integrity. It results from chromium depletion in the vicinity of carbides precipitated at grain boundaries. This causes the steel or alloy to become susceptible to intergranular corrosion or intergranular stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Sensitization requires specific combinations of:
sion is through a process of stress sensitization, wherein prior adversity contributes to an increased vulnerability to experience depressive reactions in response to lower lev-els of future stress.
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In a 2-year longitudinal follow-up design, exposure to stressful life events was examined in young women in the transition to adulthood. The authors hypothesized that those who had experienced one or more significant childhood adversities would have a Sensitization is a non-associative learning process in which repeated administration of a stimulus results in the progressive amplification of a response. Sensitization often is characterized by an enhancement of response to a whole class of stimuli in addition to the one that is repeated.
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Publikationer 2008 - Region Östergötland
Interviewer-rated severity of adverse events was rated The stress sensitization hypothesis was tested using a on a 5-point scale for each of the following: separation logistic regression analysis to predict recurrence, with and loss involving the primary caretaker(s), physical controls for chronic stress, age, and presence of neglect, emotional abuse or assault, physical abuse or comorbid In our comorbid pain model, we hypothesize that stress signal input could concurrently enhance or prolong the masseter muscle inflammation-induced neuronal hyperactivity in supraspinal pain pathway, integrally resulting in central sensitization in the spinal dorsal horn through the descending brainstem modulatory system. There are notable shortcomings in several important topics: measurement and evaluation of chronic stress and depression; exploration of potentially different processes of stress and depression associated with first-onset versus recurrent episodes; possible gender differences in exposure and reactivity to stressors; testing kindling/sensitization processes; longitudinal tests of diathesis Chronic stress can sensitize individuals to novel stressors. 11,20 Here, the genes underlying stress sensitization are revealed by the vastly different expression profile observed in the This stress sensitization may be critical in the development or relapse of schizophrenia. The neural correlates of a negative mood might be impaired, resulting in stress sensitization and difficulties in social adjustment (Dr. Habel). Urbanicity is associated with later schizophrenia. Psychophysiological factors, such as the stress-response, are also apt to play a role in the development of central sensitization.