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所以,也有top line的说法,就是income的意思,你就当做销售额理解就可以了。. 当老外说 Our top line will be looking very bad this year,你就要知道他的意思今年的销售额会很差。. 再看下面这句话:. During his tenure, we have grown our business exponentially, with strong contributions to the top and bottom line 说明: “top and bottom line”可直译为顶线和底线。但top line 和bottom line是两个特殊的财务用语:“简单地说, 在财务上, top line 是公司年度的总收入,即 total revenues, 而bottom line是帐面利润,即总收入除去各种不同类型的开支后的收入;top line 可以显示公司的业务前景和客户的认可程度, 而bottom line是表明 2.第一流的,最優秀的 (top-line hotel 第一流的旅館)。 "bottom line" 中文翻譯 : (損益表中最末一行)末行數字; 底釣漁具;底延繩釣; 底綱; 底線 :賬面上的利潤,是產品/服務的銷售成本和費用的函數。; 底線/盈虧一覽結算線; 底線;最低限度; 底線;最終效益; 損益表底線,最終財務成果; 賬本底線,盈虧一覽結算線; 總之,歸根結底; 最低價格; 最最下面那一行 由于营收和净利润分别为位于损益表的第一行和最后一行,所以,不惜代价保持营收高速增长的策略叫做Top line growth。. 相反,千方百计赚取净利润的策略叫做Bottom line growth。. 沿着Top line 这条路线,企业在相当长的时间内会陷入营收越来越大、亏损越来越多的境地,PE(股权投资)必须“接力输血”,否则企业就会“突然死亡”,令PE们血本无归。. 直到上市,将接力棒塞给 尚诚同力 Topline,是一种态度,一种力量,更是一个期待.
We’ve provided clients with a wide range of services for all their needs. The bottom line is a noun, though increasingly it is being used as a verb as in bottom line me, a request to leave out the details of an explanation and skip to the important part. Related words are bottom lines, bottom lined, bottom lining. When used as an adjective before a noun, the term is hyphenated as in bottom-line. Growth in a company’s bottom line and growth in its top line are two important measures in accounting analysis that track changes in a company’s business fundamentals.
the last line in an audit; the line that shows profit or loss; the decisive point Bottom line,这个英文词组如果你第一次遇见,很有可能望文生义,将其理解为中文里所说的“底线”。. 毕竟,这里的bottom,意思是“底部”,而line,有“线”的意思。.
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du. :revenue;英式英语:turnover,财报中的top line),. zhi. 指公司在 销.
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The figure for sales or revenue of company appears on the top of income statement. bottom line definition: 1. the final line in the accounts of a company or organization, stating the total profit or loss…. Learn more.
Since breaking into the industry in 2015, Top Line Tree Service Inc. has been recognized as a dependable contractor.
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2、Bottom line:指净利润,企业当期利润总额减去所得税后的金额,即企业的税后利润。.
但top line 和bottom line是两个特殊的财务用语:“简单地说, 在财务上, top line 是公司年度的总收入,即 total revenues, 而bottom line是帐面利润,即总收入除去各种不同类型的开支后的收入;top line 可以显示公司的业务前景和客户的认可程度, 而bottom line是表明公司的赢利和亏损的程度,关系到公司的生存
Bottom-Line. Bottom-Line är företagets nettoresultat/nettovinst. Det visar därmed hur effektivt företaget kan hantera sina kostnader i förhållande till intäkter. Namnet kommer av att det är sista siffran i företagets resultaträkning.
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看字面的意思,bottom line是底线,确实可以这么用,比如谈薪水的时候你说1万是我的底线。 - 10K is my bottom line.