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Transactions arkiv Sida 112 av 161 Carnegie

2020-02-10 Information will be held available at Attendo AB, Vendevägen 85B, SE-182 17 Danderyd, Sweden, and, no later than on 9 April 2021. The information is also sent, within the same period of time, to the shareholder who has requested it and stated its address. Agenda. Election of the Chair of the Annual General Meeting.

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The major shareholders. Patrik Tigerschiöld. Chairman. 2014. Yes. IK 2004 Fund and Attendo AB (publ) in the initial public offering of Attendo's shares and listing on Nasdaq Stockholm;; The selling shareholders and Eltel AB ( publ)  Table. 5 shows Attendo's total equity from 2014 to 2018.

Nordstjernan AB, 29,821,930, 18.53%, 18.53%.

Attendo Q4 Report 2016 - VideoSync

Most investors know that it is quite permissible for company leaders, such as directors of the board, to buy and sell stock in the company. Attendo shareholders are down 23% for the year (even including dividends) , but the broader market is up 27%. However, keep in mind that even the best stocks will sometimes underperform the market To the annoyance of some shareholders, Attendo shares are down a considerable 32% in the last month. That drop has capped off a tough year for shareholders, with the share price down 37% in that time.

Attendo shareholders

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Attendo Ab Stock Price.

Instruction for the Nomination Committee The Nomination Committee proposes that the instruction for the committee adopted at the 2017 Annual General Meeting is replaced with the below instruction, which shall be in force from now on. 2018-05-17 Attendo AB (publ) gives notice of its Annual General Meeting to be held at 5:00pm on Thursday, 12 April 2018 at Danderyds gymnasium, Rinkebyvägen 4, Danderyd, S With respect to recent developments regarding Covid-19 (Corona), Attendo has decided to take precautionary measures in connection with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on April 15, 2020.The aim is to reduce the spread of infection while safeguarding both the well-being of our shareholders and their ability to exercise their rights. Attendo är verksamma inom vård och omsorg. Bolaget erbjuder tjänster relaterade till äldreomsorg, omsorg till personer med funktionsnedsättning, individ- och familjeomsorg samt hälso- och sjukvård. Bolaget bedriver för närvarande verksamhet inom den skandinaviska marknaden. Samarbetet sker via kommuner och privata omsorgsbolag.
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Attendo shareholders

Attendo AB (publ) is a Sweden-based company, which is primarily active within care services industry. The Company offers a variety of services, such as care for older people, people with disabilities, individuals and family care. Attendo's Investor Relation strives to provide timely and accurate information to our shareholders, analysts and other stakeholders. Please contact us if you have any comments or questions.

2018-05-17 Attendo AB (publ) gives notice of its Annual General Meeting to be held at 5:00pm on Thursday, 12 April 2018 at Danderyds gymnasium, Rinkebyvägen 4, Danderyd, S With respect to recent developments regarding Covid-19 (Corona), Attendo has decided to take precautionary measures in connection with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on April 15, 2020.The aim is to reduce the spread of infection while safeguarding both the well-being of our shareholders and their ability to exercise their rights.
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Transactions arkiv Sida 112 av 161 Carnegie

Please contact us if you have any comments or questions. Contact As a result of the Offering Attendo now has approximately 30,000 shareholders; Trading in the Attendo share on Nasdaq Stockholm commences today November 30 2015, with the ticker symbol “ATT” Carnegie acted as Joint Global Coordinator and Joint Bookrunner. Attendo är ett av Nordens ledande omsorgsföretag.

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Attendo appoints Communications and IR director Aktiespararna

Our data shows that Nordstjernan AB is the largest shareholder with 19% of shares outstanding. For context, the second largest shareholder holds about 10% of the shares outstanding, followed by an ownership of 7.2% by the third-largest shareholder. Following completion of the Offering and assuming that the over allotment option is exercised in full, Attendo’s largest shareholders will include Augustus International S.á r.l (18.3 percent of the total number of shares in Attendo upon completion of the listing), Pertti Karjalainen (11.2 percent), Nordstjernan (10.0 percent), Swedbank Robur (9.0 percent) and Didner & Gerge Funds (7.5 percent). Attendo AB (publ) is a Sweden-based company, which is primarily active within care services industry. The Company offers a variety of services, such as care for older people, people with disabilities, individuals and family care. Attendo shareholders are down 23% for the year (even including dividends) , but the broader market is up 27%.