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The company changed course, and replaced the 431s enormous Continentals with a pair of Garrett TPE-331-8 turboshaft engines producing 636 HP apiece. The result was the 441 Conquest. The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) announced today that private owners of Cessna 100 series aircraft would have another two years to get the Supplemental Inspection Documents (SIDs) program completed. The SIDs must now be done by 30 June 2018. Posted:Tue 23 Sep 2014 03:09:29 PM UTC, The saga of Cessnas Supplemental Inspection Documents (SIDs) for older aircraft, as interpreted by the German aviation authority, the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt, goes from bad to worse. AOPA Germany thought Cessna 400 Se ries Aeroplanes AD/CESSNA 400/40 Amdt 14 Wing and Airframe 13/2006 Applicability: All aircraft of the models listed in the Retirement Schedule below which are not maintained to Cessna’s SID program. (See Airworthiness Bulletin 02 -007 on Requirement: 1.
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Supplemental Inspection Document (SID) that added new inspection requirements to its recommended document (SID) for all variants of the Cessna Model 402 based on and new inspection requirements were evaluated with respect to suitability for widespread Company Private. • Cessna SID Implementation in New Zealand. – Mandatory compliance. – 90 to 95% of inspected airplanes required maintenance action.
These call out for numerous additional inspections depending on hours and service and age. The 400/300 series twins were the first to get SIDs and their market value collapsed since then.
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Cessna Model210 aircraft, however, unless operated under pati 135 and Note 1: While Requirement 1 excludes the carry -through and its attach fittings, we recommend replacement at the same time - or Cessna’s SID program, which has found cracks in the carry -through and its attach fittings on Cessna 402Cs, which a re similar. Note 2: Deleted.
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Och en bit över 600 stycken Mooneyjämfört med vad Cessna på 6a, Flash. 2020-04-02.
CASA has received more than two dozen reports of serious problems discovered during SIDS inspections.
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Cessna quality requirements apply to Manufacturers, Distributors, and Special Processors providing parts/services for Cessna Aircraft Company when this document is specified by inclusion on Purchase Order or contract issued by Cessna Aircraft Company. 2.1 Cessna Supplier Approval
Supplemental Inspection Documents (SIDs) for Cessna 100/200 Series Aircraft information Publication. Post navigation.
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Any required Non-Destructive Testing (Eddy Current/Magnetic Particle Inspection) as required for full SIDs compliance must also be performed. CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 152 SERIES SERVICE MANUAL B. Section 2A-10-01, Inspection Time Limits.