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Data - Usage-Based Tier Update for Mid-December - Smogon

Ribombee has a varied support movepool, being able to paralyze foes with Stun Spore, clean weakened teams with Quiver Dance, or generate momentum with U-turn after it has set Sticky Web. View strategies and more for Ribombee on the Smogon Strategy Pokedex. Credit to LunaAkino. Ribombee is a very underrated threat on the current OU ladder. This Pokemon is sporting a strong Bug/Fairy typing alongside a very fast 124 base speed paired with a 95 Special Attack. With these attributes, it makes for a very potent sweeper. Se hela listan på bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net Ribombee is a Bug/Fairy type Pokémon introduced in Generation 7. It is known as the Bee Fly Pokémon.

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It is covered in fluffy, yellow hair with a white face, hips, and a tuft of hair on its back. It has big eyes with a small, brown square speck in the lower half. Frosmoth | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Loading Powder; Attack Name Type Cat. PP Att. Acc. Details; Powder: 20 -- 100 The user covers the target in a combustible powder. If the target uses a Fire-type move, the powder explodes and damages the target. Gengar | SM | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Loading Great bulk, decent Speed, and an incredibly wide movepool make Mew the most flexible utility Pokemon in the Doubles metagame!

It rolls up pollen into puffs. It makes many different varieties, some used as food and others used in battle. Some of Ribombee’s pollen puffs are highly nutritious.

Pokemon Shuffle 530 - Canal Midi

1 Stats, Evolutions. 2 Moves, Abilities, Typing. 3 Important Battles 4 Conclusion The funny thing about the  30 Nov 2019 Ribombee has a very high base special attack stat, every other stat is pretty watered down making this Pokemon quite vulnerable.

Ribombee smogon

Data - Usage-Based Tier Update for Mid-December - Smogon

[Consulta: 5 abril 2014]. Smogon is the largest competitive Pokemon community on the internet. Quiver Dance turns Ribombee into an effective late-game cleaner capable of  Ribombee!

Feel free to leave some set suggestion Ribombee is a wonderful Special Sweeper. It's designed to take down the opponent's team with high-damaging special attacks.
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Ribombee smogon

With these attributes, it makes for a very potent sweeper Ribombee is a Bug / Fairy type Pokémon introduced in Generation 7. It is known as the Bee Fly Pokémon. Ribombee collect flower nectar and pollen to make into balls known as Pollen Puffs. These serve as food, and what’s more, they also can cause effects like paralysis or dizziness. Biology Ribombee is a tiny, insectoid Pokémon with a large head, slightly smaller body, and thin arms and legs.

Ribombee collect flower nectar and pollen to make into balls known as Pollen Puffs. These serve as food, and what’s more, they also can cause effects like paralysis or dizziness. Ribombee may use puffs to strike their opponents during battles.
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Pokemon Shuffle 530 - Canal Midi

Ribombee is a very underrated threat on the current OU ladder. This Pokemon is sporting a strong Bug/Fairy typing alongside a very fast 124 base speed paired with a 95 Special Attack. With these attributes, it makes for a very potent sweeper Ribombee is a Bug / Fairy type Pokémon introduced in Generation 7. It is known as the Bee Fly Pokémon.

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Data - Usage-Based Tier Update for Mid-December - Smogon

In return, Ribombee can handle threats to them like Sableye for Gallade and Silvally-Dragon for Ninetales. Entry hazards like Stealth Rock and Spikes from partners like Mudsdale and Garbodor make Ribombee's job at sweeping much easier. Mudsdale in particular can deal with the numerous Steel-types that NU has. Ribombee is a Bug/Fairy-type Pokémon and #188 in the Galar Pokédex for Pokémon Sword & Shield.